Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bank and Google Settle, Gmail User Still Waiting

gavelWe've been covering the story of a bank's email screw-up and the highly controversial judge's ruling that ordered Google to suspend the Gmail account of the innocent recipient of 1,300 bank customers' personal information.

Apparently Rocky Mountain Bank and Google have now reached an agreement to dismiss the case, reports CNet. However, the Gmail user in question will sadly still not have access restored to the account until the court approves the motion to toss out the case.

We're happy to see this one end somewhat more amicably than things seemed to be shaping up. But with neither Google nor the bank specifying how the issue was resolved, we're left with a nagging worry that Judge Ware's ruling might have set a negative precedent.

After all, the bank was able to use the court to successfully strongarm Google into deactivating an innocent Gmail user's email account through no fault of their own — and that's troubling, regardless of the fact that this case won't ever see the inside of a courtroom.

Many of you expressed similar sentiments in the comments of our previous two posts on this issue — do you think the case ended appropriately? Should there be repercussions for the bank who made the original error? What's your prediction on the fallout from this story: will we see more related lawsuits come flying after the dust settles?

Image courtesy of Thomas Roche

Reviews: Gmail, Google

Tags: bank, gmail, Google, legal, privacy, rocky mountain bank

[link to original | source: Mashable! | published: 10 hours ago | shared via feedly]

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