Thursday, May 26, 2011

Festivals, Facebook and Firefox updates

With Rose, Paul and Mike

Gaming Discussion
  1. Mike Reviews LA Noir
  2. We talk about Portal 2
  3. "Wii 2" news
  4. Flipping R18+ (when will it end?) - also this from New Matilda.
  5. COD:MW3 first look

Interview: Twitterfest and The Emerging Writers festival with Lisa Dempster.

Social Media with Warren Davies and Stanley Johnson

We don our tin foil hats and have a chat about facebook.

  1. Twitter acquires tweet-deck
  2. Celebrity product-placement tweets - should we put up with them? And do these ads even work?
  3. Facebook quashing activism?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bitcoin, NBN update, iMacs & Thunderbolts and a software comp to make the world a better place

With Georgia, Byron, Ryan and Ben

Not into reading? Here's the podcast from the May 18 episode.

Here's what we covered this week
  1. This BitCoin thing looks interesting. We're going to keep our eyes on it.
  2. NBN launches in Armidale with the PM and other dignitaries present. Also, the CEO of NBN Co. has been a bit naughty
  3. New iMacs on the market from Apple, specs here. We discussed the new features, talking through the further lock-downs in place on replacement hard-drives etc.
  4. Apple and Google are before a US tribunal this week for capturing data quietly. We're interested to see how this plays out. Background here.
  5. Some users of Nintendo 3DS are outraged by the terms of service attached to the device. There's a protest underway: more at
Also, Professor Patrick Griffin from the University of Melbourne's Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (ATC21S) project was our guest on the show this week. He talked to Byte's Rose Paton about a global crowdsourcing challenge to create a software module for the assessment of collaborative problem solving skills in schools. Keen to win $20,000 prize money? Check out the competition here.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

When you can't see technology....

With Rose and Paul

Newsy stuff:
  1. NBN Interim satellite service
  2. Greenpeace: how dirty is your data report
  3. Google to Unveil Service to Let Users Stream Their Music
  4. Microsoft buy Skype for 8.5 billion
Feature: Technology for the vision impaired with...

Glen Morrow: Glen is a regular tripleR host and works for Vision Australia
Michael Curran: Michael is the founder of Non Visual Desktop Access: an open-source initiative for the visually impaired.

Social Media with Warren Davies and Kate Kendall

Warren talked about social media use amongst visually impaired communities.
Kate had some more general news to talk on including

  1. Zynga and Lady Gaga
  2. Six degrees of separation couch surfing
  3. EA acquisition of local indie Firemint
  4. Instagram Melbourne meetup