The embargo is no more. Check back for updates as reviews flood the Interwebs
First look: the stream-rippin' RealPlayer 11 beta
Earlier today, Real made the beta of RealPlayer 11 available to the public (which appears to be Windows only for the time being). The new RealPlayer's biggest advertised feature is the ability to save streaming video to the desktop. The neat thing is that not only RealMedia formats are supported: the player can download Windows Media Video and QuickTime streams as well. RealNetworks says that it will respect streams that make use of Digital Rights Management (DRM) schemes and not allow these to be downloaded.
Internet Radio "Day of Silence" hushes thousands of stations
Today is June 26, and that means that it's the Internet radio Day of Silence. The Day of Silence was organized by Radio Internet Newsletter publisher Kurt Hanson in order to protest against retroactive royalty rate increases that could end up putting many Internet radio stations out of business. The rates are due to go into effect in less than a month, and with no significant help from Congress as of yet, Internet broadcasters are resorting to silence to demonstrate what will happen if the proposed increases go into effect.
Torrentspy starts filtering copyrighted content
Torrentspy, already on the ropes in its legal battle against copyright owners, is at least trying to look proactive in the fight against piracy. According to CNet, the company has now rolled out a content filtering tool called FileRights. News of the FileRights system comes as Torrentspy faces a controversial court order requiring it to log user activity. The company has repeatedly claimed that it keeps no logs and therefore cannot produce any, but a judge has ruled that the necessary information is already contained in server RAM and so does not require Torrentspy to create any new information; it just needs to record the information already present in the system.
BBC NEWS | Technology | EC threat to BBC over downloads
The BBC has been accused of forcing people to use Microsoft operating systems and has been threatened with a complaint to the European Commission.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Social sites reveal class divide
Fans of MySpace and Facebook are divided by much more than which music they like, suggests a study.
Digg - Microsoft now receiving 2,500 broken 360s per day in UK alone?
New complaints claim out-of-country repair centres are now being used due to unprecedented demand
Gore Galore but a Violent Game Can’t Hold a Gutbucket to the Movies - New York Times
ratings boards in the United States, Britain and other nations effectively killed the game Manhunt 2 last week
Digg - Five resources to create a Wii media center
Here are five applications and websites needed create your own Wii media center…
Digg - Nintendo officially worth more than Sony
Early Monday morning during trading, Nintendo share prices rose just enough for the company's overall market value to surpass that of Sony, making Nintendo one of Japan's Top 10 companies in market share for the first time.
Digg - Master Chief Who? Crysis For The PC, It’s Gonna Be That Good.
WARNING: This game will change how you look at first person shooters, with an engine capable of rendering vast distances, interactive environment that HELPS you hunt down your enemy, three types of armor modes, fully destructible objects, and a real time map editor Crysis aims to be the best first person shooter ever made.
Digg - The 5 Most Embarrassing Ways to die in a First-Person Shooter
Samsung intros 64GB solid state drive - Hardware -
Intel makes mash-ups for the masses - Applications -
Mashmaker application allow website customisation without programming. Intel is planning to release a closed beta next month of a tool that allows random users to customise the content of a website without any interference from the publisher.
No Download Required: 30+ Apps That Are Killing Microsoft
some of the services that are nibbling away at Microsoft’s dominance, with Google leading the charge.
Digg - Microsoft Paid Top Bloggers to Promote Vista and Recite MS Slogans
"A ROW IS BREWING between a bunch of bloggers who took cash from Microsoft marketing outfit and stodgy old media types who take their bribes in less obvious ways."
Digg - Microsoft's anti-virtualization stance: forget DRM, think Apple
The quest for a reason behind Microsoft's prohibition continues.
Slashdot | Microsoft Security Makes "Worst Jobs" List
"What do whale-feces researchers, hazmat divers, and employees of Microsoft's Security Response Center have in common? They all made Popular Science magazine's 2007 list of the absolute worst jobs in science."
Digg - uTorrent for Mac is Coming: An Early Review
When BitTorrent Inc bought uTorrent, the most popular Windows BitTorrent client, they announced that they would begin porting it to both the Mac and Linux. They have. Here ’s a preview of the “soon to be released” Mac version of uTorrent.
Digg - Sync your Firefox extensions and profiles across computers
a simple way to sync Firefox extensions, themes, bookmarks, and saved passwords between computers so that no matter where you're working, your browser is customized in the exact same way. The solution comes in the form of the Microsoft-owned folder syncing and sharing tool, FolderShare.
Digg - Vista Transformation Pack 7.0 Released
Windows X's latest customization pack to give you the Vista experience without the hassle of a new OS!
is a website focusing on live music recordings and exposing Australian musicians to the world offer an instant duplication service to local and touring bands to record their gig live and have it available to sell immediately after the show. So people leaving a concert can buy a copy of the gig they just saw on the way out.
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